Monday, October 22, 2012

Fun with Leaves!

Fun with Leaves!

I know what you're thinking. "Well, I got all these leaves in the yard and don't know what to do with um!" Well let's take a break from the technicalities of tree care to have some fun. Here's some things you can do with your leaves.

1. Make a scarecrow. It's a classic. Get a flannel shirt, some blue jeans, and if you're feeling extra creative, a straw hat. Next, stuff them all full of leaves and shove a long stick through its back and some shorter ones through the arms. That's pretty much all there is to it.

2a (city limits version) Spend all day raking them into a huge pile, then throw your kids in there. Everyone wins.

2b (country version) Spend all day raking them into a huge pile, then set it on fire. (DON'T THROW YOUR KIDS IN THERE!)

3 Girls are crazy about artsy, nature-y stuff, so why not be an awesome husband and do some easy projects to make your lady think you have an artsy side too? For example, you could press the leaves in a book. They can be used for all sorts of things. Centerpieces, decoration, notepaper, picture frame, you name it.

4 Or you could rake/blow all of your leaves into your neighbors yard and let them deal with it.*

* and its owner and affiliates do not take responsibility for repercussions this option may cause.


  1. I'll do a creepy ass scarecrow... Oh wait, here's summer :(

    I guess that someday I'll know what is to play with leaves in autumn

  2. Your trees don't shed their leaves? lol they must be magical trees.

  3. I'd like to have some fun but it's already snowing:( i don't wanna go out
